Integrative Medicine

Women craddling her stomach When you think about how many internal and external influences can affect your health and wellness, you can see the need for an approach to healing that recognizes and addresses all of these separate influences in a holistic manner. This is the goal and approach of a discipline known as integrative medicine. Here at White Sands Integrative Medical, our team can create a personalized treatment plan that helps you feel and function better in every aspect of your life.

Understanding Integrated Medicine

Integrated medicine differs from traditional medical strategies in some significant ways. The standard approach to modern medicine tends to focus on alleviating the outward or surface symptoms of a disease or injury. If one particular health issue seems to produce those symptoms, the doctor might focus on fixing that issue without looking at any underlying circumstances that might have brought it about.

Integrated medicine views you as a whole person -- not just as an injury, illness, or symptom to be treated. This approach factors your physical, biomechanical, psychological, and emotional wellness into account, identifying the various triggers that might work together to undermine your health. Integrated medicine practitioners then address each of those trouble points by administering several complementary therapies as part of a non-surgical, non-opioid treatment program. This strategy not only alleviates the symptoms of your health challenges; it also corrects the underlying factors that produced those symptoms, improving your overall health, and enabling you to preserve that newfound wellness.

How Our Chiropractic Team Administers Integrative Medicine Techniques

When our team evaluates you, we collaborate with our medical, chiropractic, physical rehab and massage therapy staff to determine your non-surgical, non-opioid treatment options. Once your treatment options have been determined and explained to you, our staff can administer and guide you through your treatment process. 

Non-surgical, non-opioid treatment options are focused on reaching your goals using a combination of medical and physical medicine treatment techniques to help alleviate your symptoms while also working on your long-term goals to correct the underlying cause of your condition.

Corrective care is utilizing physical medicine to correct and retrain the body to function the way it was originally designed to do. Our staff may ask you to participate in physical rehab while utilizing corrective knee braces, foot orthoses with or without a heel lift, or work on correcting postural and biomechanical issues that are contributing to your current condition and to future degenerative processes. We are determined to address not just your symptoms, but what factors have lead you to your current condition.

Chiropractic care along with our other physical medicine techniques, naturally has a major role to play in integrative medicine. The chiropractic adjustments performed by Dr. Persiani can ease joint pain and inflammation while also relieving nerve compression. This effect lets your internal communications system work more effectively, from your hormonal balances and organ functions to your balance and posture. Chiropractic treatment can improve your whole-body health, remove your pain, and ease the emotional stresses that accompany that pain.

When our collaborative staff evaluates your condition, we may also identify other forms of treatment that synergize beautifully with chiropractic care. You may benefit from a combination of our non-surgical, non-opioid medical treatments for chronic joint pain, massage therapy to treat soft tissue problems, physical therapy to help you optimize your mobility, and lifestyle recommendations that support a more functional, comfortable life. Contact us at (850) 226-6728 to learn more about how we can improve your whole-body health!

White Sands Integrative Medical


24 Beal Pkwy SW,
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548

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